Hello fellow job seekers. Here is the latest North Coast Hot Jobs listing, https://www.scribd.com/doc/242761288/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-Oct-13-2014
As some of you may know, I maintain this site on my own time. An unpaid public service. It takes me between four and six hours each week. I know it has been beneficial to many others, but lately I have been wondering if it is worth my time.
I constructed this listing two years ago, before I was with WorkSource. Since my term of service expired there, I have been trying to get back into the employment field. I was with a non-profit agency for a few months in this same field. I have been unemployed for the last two months. Laid off. My recent attempts to get employed with WorkFirst, Workforce or other work related jobs at WorkSource, DSHS, the local college or employment agencies have been unfruitful. It has become very difficult for me to continue looking for jobs for others when I can't even find a job for myself. As a result, this will possibly be the last North Coast Hot Jobs listing I post. At least until I get employed.
One thing that is ironic is that I know that people in the employment field use this site to increase their knowledge. I have been an unemployed person helping employment specialists find work for others.
Contact Mike McEvoy at WorkSource Clallam if you think I should continue this jobs listing. He is at 360-457-2103. Have a good one.
I hope you don't stop this site. I find it extremely helpful to see the postings every Monday morning as I'm still trying to find work in this new area.
Norman "Stormy" Hays