Hello job seekers. First off, let me repost how I use this weblog because it is free. However, it doesn't have the ability to post documents. So, I use Scribd to post the weekly North Coast Hot Jobs listing. So, without further ado, here is this week's link, http://www.scribd.com/doc/235754041/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-August-4-2014
Interfor has decided to shut down operations in the Beaver/Forks area and move those operations to the Port Angeles area. This is bad news for the West End of Clallam County. It will affect 87 employees. However, Interfor will apparently attempt to make room for these employees to be reassigned to the Port Angeles mill. This could result in some commuting for employees that wish to stay on the West End or they may just move to the Port Angeles area. This will affect the economy of the Forks area. More information is here, http://www.peninsuladailynews.com/article/20140801/NEWS/308019981/interfor-closes-its-beaver-forks-sawmill-planer-mill-operations
As a reminder, there are two more areas on this weblog site that I post information. Under the Pages heading in the right column are two pages labeled Job Hunting Tips and Weekly Featured Jobs. Click on them for more info I gather.
Have a good one.
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