A view from Ediz Hook

A view from Ediz Hook
Veteran Operated Website

North Coast Hot Jobs Sep. 1

Hello fellow job seekers. Here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs listing, http://www.scribd.com/doc/238261360/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-Sep-1-2014

Interesting to note how the Port Angeles Daily News currently lists 37 jobs and the Port Townsend Leaders has 40 jobs posted. Clallam County, at over 70,000 residents, has over twice as much residents compared to Port Townsend at about 30,000. Looking at this, someone could surmise that there are more jobs available in Jefferson County. This would be incorrect. If you look up the job listings posted at WorkSource, https://fortress.wa.gov/esd/worksource/Employment.aspx, for Clallam and Jefferson Counties, you will see that there are approximately 280 jobs posted in Clallam County and 60 some jobs posted in Jefferson County. So, many more jobs are posted at WorkSource in Clallam County versus Jefferson County. There can be many different conclusions about why this is this way. I will let you draw your own conclusions.

That's all for this week. Have a good one.

North Coast Hot Jobs Aug. 25

Hello job seekers. Here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs list,

Well, I am in the second week of unemployment. Also, I have a varied background that includes jobs in transportation, retail, restaurant, production, military and high tech. I have also attended school in the hope of bettering myself. For all these reasons, I can truly identify with many of you out there. I have been there, done that. I am not just someone trying to empathize with your situation. I have lived the life of struggle a few times.

The biggest player in hiring this week is the Olympic Medical Center based out of Port Angeles. They have twelve new job openings this week. They have an application that must be filled out and you can apply for multiple jobs at one time. Then you assemble any supporting documentation you have and email it to one email address at one time.... I will be applying here also.

Ok, that's it for this week. Don't forget to check out the "Job Hunting Tips" and "Weekly Featured Jobs" pages on the top right column.

Have a good one.

North Coast Hot Jobs Aug. 18

Hello job seekers. FYI, I have joined the ranks of the laid off. Well, enough about me, here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs listing that I take the time to assemble on my own free time, http://www.scribd.com/doc/237061984/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-August-18-2014

From now on, I will not post the jobs listed in the newspapers. There is just getting to be too much of them. However, I will post the links to them in the North Coast Hot Jobs listing. Some of you may have noticed a viewing charge on certain local newspapers. These links bypass that and go straight to the classifieds section associated with that newspaper.

The Quileute Tribe has entered another hiring phase. They have seven jobs available at this time.

Many schools in the area, including Peninsula College, are hiring faculty positions. The links are posted in the jobs listing.

Check out the "Job Hunting Tips" and "Weekly Featured Jobs" pages on the right column.

Have a good one.

North Coast Hot Jobs Aug. 11

Hello job seekers. Here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs listing, http://www.scribd.com/doc/236428932/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-August-11-2014

There have been three job openings with Clallam County that have been open for a long time. These are good paying jobs at $3,291 - $4,198 per month with benefits. They are Communications Officers (911 Dispatchers). They will be having testing for this soon in Port Angeles on August 25. If you are interested in this job, you have to first apply for the test at this link, www.publicsafetytesting.com. More info on this job is available here, http://wa-portangeles.civicplus.com/jobs.aspx and here, http://wa-portangeles.civicplus.com/Jobs.aspx?UniqueId=97&From=All&CommunityJobs=False&JobID=Communications-Officer-911-Dispatcher-10

Westport is definitely hiring again. If you were one of those that were laid off, I would suggest checking out their link that lists all their job openings, http://www.westportyachts.com/careers/

Check out the "Job Hunting Tips" and "Weekly Featured Jobs" pages on the right column.

Have a good one.

North Coast Hot Jobs Aug. 4

Hello job seekers. First off, let me repost how I use this weblog because it is free. However, it doesn't have the ability to post documents. So, I use Scribd to post the weekly North Coast Hot Jobs listing. So, without further ado, here is this week's link, http://www.scribd.com/doc/235754041/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-August-4-2014

Interfor has decided to shut down operations in the Beaver/Forks area and move those operations to the Port Angeles area. This is bad news for the West End of Clallam County. It will affect 87 employees. However, Interfor will apparently attempt to make room for these employees to be reassigned to the Port Angeles mill. This could result in some commuting for employees that wish to stay on the West End or they may just move to the Port Angeles area. This will affect the economy of the Forks area. More information is here, http://www.peninsuladailynews.com/article/20140801/NEWS/308019981/interfor-closes-its-beaver-forks-sawmill-planer-mill-operations

As a reminder, there are two more areas on this weblog site that I post information. Under the Pages heading in the right column are two pages labeled Job Hunting Tips and Weekly Featured Jobs. Click on them for more info I gather.

Have a good one.