A view from Ediz Hook

A view from Ediz Hook
Veteran Operated Website

North Coast Hot Jobs June 27th

Hello job seekers. If you find any links that don't send you where they should, then let me know. Here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs, https://www.scribd.com/document/579848778/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-June-27

For people who have been wondering what the recent inflation is doing to people's wages, check out this link, https://www.atlantafed.org/chcs/wage-growth-tracker

We are taking in new clients. So if you know of any Alaskan Native or Native American that has documented physical or mental disabilities (such as diabetes, anxiety, substance use disorder, etc.) and is having a hard time looking for work, ask them to contact me at 360-460-7549. We have two counselors that could help you find work. 

Jim Allen, MBA, Vet 

Program Manager/Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

North Coast Hot Jobs June 21st

Hello job seekers. If you find any links that don't send you where they should, then let me know. Here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs, https://www.scribd.com/document/579057535/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-June-20

It appears the inflation is being mostly driven by energy costs. Here is more information, https://www.bls.gov/cpi/#:~:text=The%20Consumer%20Price%20Index%20(CPI,U.S.%20and%20various%20geographic%20areas.

We are taking in new clients. So if you know of any Alaskan Native or Native American that has documented physical or mental disabilities (such as diabetes, anxiety, substance use disorder, etc.) and is having a hard time looking for work, ask them to contact me at 360-460-7549. We have two counselors that could help you find work. 

Jim Allen, MBA, Vet 

Program Manager/Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

North Coast Hot Jobs June 13th

Hello job seekers. If you find any links that don't send you where they should, then let me know. Here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs, https://www.scribd.com/document/578059127/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-June-13

For those that don't know, when unemployment rates are low, then inflation is high. Here's a couple of links with more info, https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=3obN and https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/040715/what-happens-when-inflation-and-unemployment-are-positively-correlated.asp

We are taking in new clients. So if you know of any Alaskan Native or Native American that has documented physical or mental disabilities (such as diabetes, anxiety, substance use disorder, etc.) and is having a hard time looking for work, ask them to contact me at 360-460-7549. We have two counselors that could help you find work. 

Jim Allen, MBA, Vet 

Program Manager/Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

North Coast Hot Jobs June 6th

Hello job seekers. If you find any links that don't send you where they should, then let me know. Here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs, https://www.scribd.com/document/577125347/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-June-6

School will be out soon. Along with that will be many teenagers looking for summer work. Keep that in mind if you are applying for an entry level type seasonal job.

We are taking in new clients. So if you know of any Alaskan Native or Native American that has documented physical or mental disabilities (such as diabetes, anxiety, substance use disorder, etc.) and is having a hard time looking for work, ask them to contact me at 360-460-7549. We have two counselors that could help you find work. 

Jim Allen, MBA, Vet 

Program Manager/Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor