A view from Ediz Hook

A view from Ediz Hook
Veteran Operated Website

North Coast Hot Jobs June 27

Hello job seekers. Here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs listing, https://www.scribd.com/doc/316983177/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-Jun-27

So, do you have an employee or co-worker that has a disability and requires accommodations? There are a couple of tax benefits that may be of help. First is the Disabled Access Tax Credit. With this tax credit, a business can save up to 50% of their costs to make accommodations for the disabled. This can be from $250 to $10,250. So your company can save up to $5000. More info at this link, http://blogs.aronsonllc.com/fedpoint/2015/08/06/small-businesses-dont-overlook-the-disabled-access-tax-credit/ 

Another tax benefit is the Barrier Removal Tax Deduction. A business can save up to $15,000 with this tax benefit. Might have to consult an accountant on this one. More info at this link, http://help.workworldapp.com/wwwebhelp/barrier_removal_tax_deduction.htm

If you know of any Alaskan Native or Native American that is disabled and is having a hard time looking for work, ask them to contact the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Vocational Rehab Program Manager Nora Norminton at 360-565-7257, ext 7483.

Have a good one.

Jim Allen, MBA, Vet
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

North Coast Hot Jobs June 20

Hello job seekers, here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs listing, https://www.scribd.com/doc/316250659/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-Jun-20

Have you ever heard of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)? This allows employers to receive a tax credit if they hire people from certain target groups. These target groups include; veterans, food stamp recipients, TANF clients, vocational rehabilitation clients, supplemental security recipients, unemployed individuals and even some ex-felons. This tax credit can range from about $2400 to $9600. So if you apply at some of the big box companies, such as Walmart and Home Depot, they will ask you questions on their online application to see if you fall into these categories. It is financially sound for them to hire someone that can save them money with this tax credit. Some local small to medium companies are beginning to hear about WOTC. Use this information during your interview if you qualify. More info on WOTC here, https://www.doleta.gov/business/incentives/opptax/

If you know of any Alaskan Native or Native American that is disabled and is having a hard time looking for work, ask them to contact the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Vocational Rehab Program Manager Nora Norminton at 360-565-7257, ext. 7483.

Have a good one.

Jim Allen, MBA, Vet
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

North Coast Hot Jobs June 13

Hello job seekers, here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs, https://www.scribd.com/doc/315714335/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-Jun-13 

There are many jobs at Safeway for the Port Angeles area. Too much to post. Follow this link, select "Advanced Search" then enter the state and the city (Port Angeles). Many jobs, but mostly part time. https://www.safeway.apply2jobs.com/HVExt/index.cfm?fuseaction=mhvExternal.showSearchInterface 

Another place that has many job openings is on the Lower Elwha Klallam reservation. There is 27 job openings the last time I checked. Here is the link to the listing, https://www2.appone.com/Search/Search.aspx?ServerVar=lowerelwhaklallamtribe.appone.com . Click on "Search for jobs" option in the bottom left.

Many jobs posted at the hospital in Port Angeles also. Follow this link, http://www.olympicmedical.org/default.aspx?ID=16

If you know of any Alaskan Native or Native American that is disabled and is having a hard time looking for work, ask them to contact the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Vocational Rehab Program Manager Nora Norminton at 360-565-7257, ext. 7483.

Have a good one.

Jim Allen, MBA, Vet
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

North Coast Hot Jobs June 6

Hello job seekers. Here is the link to this week's North Coast Hot Jobs listing, https://www.scribd.com/doc315186630/North-Coast-Hot-Jobs-June-6 

Native Americans face challenges that some people never confront. In addition, Native Americans often have high unemployment rates. One program that is helping to combat this, is the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services program (AIVRS). This is a federal program that is similar, but not the same as the state Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). The objective is to help disabled Native Americans find gainful employment. The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe has been recently awarded a grant to help disabled Native Americans and Alaskan Natives living in this service area. This area is bordered on the east in between Sequiim and Port Angeles, the Hoko River in the west and Sappho in the southwest. So, if an enrolled disabled native lives within this service area, then they are eligible for services to help them get them employed.

So, if you know of any Native American or Alaskan Native in this area that has a disability and is having a hard time getting employed, contact the Employment Program Manager, Nora Norminton, at 360-565-7257 ext. 7483.

Some closing dates on the jobs list have a closing date before today. Sorry, I was late in posting here.

Ok, that's all for this week. Have a good one.

Jim Allen, MBA, Vet
Vocational Rehabilitation Center